“Stuff & things” is a pretty general answer to the “What have you been up to?” question. In this case, it covers quite a lot. I worked 57 hours this week to try to get a project put together for Monday that I didn’t know was due Monday until Wednesday. And I’m not entirely finished,… Continue reading
Tag: what i did with my day
Update on platelets and crowns
Now that I’ve written about the big news about our roommate, I can write about the little things. 🙂 I’m glad that people were supportive of our decision to help out Kay, by the way. I was worried, for some reason. Anyway, in other news, my temporary crown is doing just fine. I’m hoping that… Continue reading
Getting crowned (part 1)
I started writing this post yesterday and didn’t finish it. I’m going to post it as is for the most part –with this introduction, and then a follow-up at the end of it to close up where I’d left it yesterday. So, for the most of this, where it references a day, like “today,” it… Continue reading
New look!
Hey everybody! Justin has been working really hard on getting the website fixed and we believe he’s got it finished! YEAH!!! Know what that means? COMMENTS ARE WORKING! Yup! I’m about to go double-check that as soon as I put this post up, but you should be able to post comments again. And navigate to… Continue reading
More reasons why I’m glad to have a garage
Because my garage looks like this right now. And my dining room looks like this. And my living room looks like this. And it doesn’t look like this. Now, granted, there are more pieces of wood in that photo than there are out in my garage right now. This has some of the pieces for… Continue reading