The last week or so, I’ve been following the sage advice of Thumper’s father, who said, “If you can’t say something nice . . . don’t say nothing at all.” (I had to look it up because I thought it was Thumper’s mother who told him that, but turns out I was wrong!) Anyway, I’ve… Continue reading
Tag: what i did with my day
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!! I hope you’re all having a fantastic day! We’ve got the turkey in the oven here, the cranberry dressing chilling in the fridge, rolls rising on the stove, and all the rest of what we’ll need sitting out and waiting for the time when we’ll start putting it all together. We’ve got… Continue reading
Stuff ‘n’ things
Happy yesterday birthday, Nathan! Happy today birthday, Justin! This is why I have to concentrate really hard when people ask me when Justin’s birthday is. I have to remember it’s not the November date that first comes to mind — it’s one later. I think I’ve gone over that before. Today was a really weird… Continue reading
I am why we can’t have nice things.
I hope everybody had a delightful weekend! Mine consisted of the following highlights: Watching Justin play BioShock 2, shattering the side of a glass decorative bowl, taking down the Halloween decorations, and watching several episodes of Terra Nova with Justin. It was a quiet weekend, which was good because Justin’s knee is still bothering him. … Continue reading
And that’s it for October
Oy, a week gone already? Okay, since last week, my back has gotten a lot better. Of course, Justin’s back has been killing him in a completely different way, but he’s been sitting on the heat pack. We’ll go back to the chiropractor’s office again tomorrow. Work has been nuts, but it’s only going to… Continue reading