Part 2 of 2 We left home on Saturday, September 19, around 1:00 after making sure all our gear was packed and we had food and anything we could possibly need. We’d been waiting to make sure that the rain was going to hold off, so we didn’t have a reservation, but we weren’t concerned… Continue reading
Tag: what i did with my day
Friday fun
I have had such a fun day today! Let me tell you about it in a bullet-point rundown of my day! I woke up the first time when Justin came back to bed from walking the dogs, which meant that I didn’t have to get up yet to do that! (LOVE!) I woke up the… Continue reading
Saturday fun
Today has been an absolutely lovely day! Let me tell you all about it! Justin got up when the dogs begged to go outside, so I could keep on sleeping for a while. Eventually, he came back to bed and the puppies were too excited to lay quietly, so I got up so he could… Continue reading
Anniversary dinner
Hey! We didn’t actually end up having pasta! We had soup! That I made from scratch! And it was yummy! So, allergy season is mid-swing now and Justin’s having a heck of a time, like I mentioned yesterday. (Look at me, posting two days in a row!) We’re at a forecast pollen level of 9.4 (out… Continue reading
I should be sleeping, but instead I’m writing
It’s been crazy around here. I should be heading to bed, but everybody else is posting today, so I figured I’d join in. Last week I worked 52 1/2 hours I was told on Thursday that I’d have a big thing done by the following Friday And then on Monday, I was told I’d have… Continue reading