So I’ve been driving the same route to work for, what? Four years now? Since August of 2008, so almost 4 years I guess. And for a while before that Justin was driving part of the same route to get to his work. Part of that route goes over a river and through a marsh… Continue reading
Tag: this post contains pictures
Breaking and entering and re-securing again
I think I’ve mentioned this before but back in December we lost track of the key to get into the storage shed attached to the back of our house. We only had the one key and somehow between getting the tree set up for Christmas and the next time we wanted to get into that… Continue reading
House guest
I was sitting on the couch a couple days after getting back from Minnesota (which is relevant only because the Christmas tree was still up and the fake ficus tree was behind the couch) and heard a weird rustling sound from the ficus tree. I looked over and tried to figure out what could be… Continue reading
How to make coffee using a single-serving hand-held drip-coffee maker: Things you will need: Coffee cup and spoon, coffee dripper, coffee, filters (this dripper uses #2), some way to measure out the water, and boiling water (not shown). Put the filter in the dripper. Put the coffee in the filter. I’m using 3 teaspoons for… Continue reading
Ah, yes. I remember this now. It’s that time of year when I drive to work in the dark and drive home from work in the dark and the only time I see the sun is during that 30 – 60 minutes that I run screaming from my warehouse of an office space and stand… Continue reading