So, in my efforts to keep up with this better, this is what I did yesterday, complete with a couple pictures! Yesterday, I got up and puttered a little at my computer. Okay, a lot at my computer. And then I got ready to go to the babysitting gig I thought I had that morning. … Continue reading
Tag: this post contains pictures
Flower pictures!
It took me a little longer to get around to it, but there’s now a gallery in the Photos page with pictures of flowers. Mostly, it’s for Mom. 🙂 But everybody else can look at them, too.
Pictures of flowers, coming soon!
I took some pictures of flowers in the yard this afternoon. I’ll get more of them up soon, but I wanted to put one up right away.
Organizing categories and the Landing Strip
Organizing, to me, is split into two distinct categories: Locations and Concepts. Location organizing is what people think of right off the bat—getting their kitchen or garage or craft room all tidy and organized and functional. It’s about before and after photographs. It’s about tools and systems and getting a space, either big or small,… Continue reading
A picture of me as a child
Amy, In response to your post about Ethan on 10 January, I present this picture of me as a child. Apparently it runs in the family . . . .