Happy birthday to my wonderful sister, Erica, who I totally tried to call earlier but who didn’t answer, even though it was only, like, 4:30 in Minnesota and who I must therefore assume was out rocking the town because by my count she’s turning 30 and that’s absolutely the birthday for which you should go… Continue reading
Tag: i love my husband
So, I’m pretty sure you all know this about me, but if you didn’t already know: I’m terrified of spiders. TERRIFIED. Have been for a long time. Maybe before the day when I was playing in the yard as a small child and saw a huge daddy long-legs spider climbing up toward my face on… Continue reading
Running and sewing and stuff
I just want to point out that Justin took fantastic care of me on Friday when it was so hot and that I was never in any serious danger. He was outside with me the whole time, mowing the lawn and weed whacking, while I put the porch closet back in order and then trimmed… Continue reading
Today was my weigh-in and I figured I’d keep you all “in the loop” and let you know that I’ve successfully lost 15 pounds now since the middle of April. And I’m not really exercising much yet (because I’m LAZY) and I’m still doing the diet thing with about 80% compliance or a little less,… Continue reading
I know I’ve been terribly remiss about updating lately but I’ve been distracted. I heard an acronym the other day that fits it perfectly. ADOS: Attention Deficit OH SHINY! Justin and I determined that we don’t really watch TV. So what was the point in paying for it to be delivered to our house? Justin… Continue reading