This isn’t really a very exciting story but it made me scream in surprise, so I might as well write it down. Last night before bed, Justin and I had a little bit of ice cream. We had some toffee bits in the cupboard next to the fridge, so I went to grab some as… Continue reading
Tag: babbling about nothing much at all
Miss Eloise
So I’ve been driving the same route to work for, what? Four years now? Since August of 2008, so almost 4 years I guess. And for a while before that Justin was driving part of the same route to get to his work. Part of that route goes over a river and through a marsh… Continue reading
Silence from the Southern front
I haven’t felt like writing much lately. I feel kinda bad about it because I know some of you come here every day to check if I’ve put up anything new. But I just can’t get myself to write anything lately. And it’s not that things are quiet — things are pretty busy, actually.… Continue reading
Sitting at home
It’s a fun day in the Barnett household. Justin’s ears are blocked up so he can’t hear very well. My throat and sinuses are raw, so I can’t talk very well. I decided that if I need to tell him something, I’m going to carry a dry-erase board and write it to him. Or text… Continue reading
I am why we can’t have nice things.
I hope everybody had a delightful weekend! Mine consisted of the following highlights: Watching Justin play BioShock 2, shattering the side of a glass decorative bowl, taking down the Halloween decorations, and watching several episodes of Terra Nova with Justin. It was a quiet weekend, which was good because Justin’s knee is still bothering him. … Continue reading