Happy birthday, Nathan!
Pardon my mess
Please pardon the mess while I play around with the template and themes for a while! I’m bored and learning how to work in CSS. 🙂 Such a geek! I know! Isn’t it great?! Header 1 Header 2 Header 3 Header 4 Header 5 Header 6 Hyperlink List List List List List List another list… Continue reading
One year ago today
Today is my one-year anniversary of being employed at my company as a direct employee instead of a temporary contract employee. I didn’t even remember that it was today until I opened up my calendar to see if I have any appointments or meetings today (nothing, by the way) and there was the note that… Continue reading
Just in case you were wondering . . .
I am STILL aching from Zumba on Monday. And that’s all I have to say right now. 🙂
I promise I’ll stop talking about this stuff soon. But now that I’ve opened up to actually start talking about it, something I wasn’t ready to do for a long time, I find I can’t stop thinking about it and wanting to share with ya’ll what I’m thinking about. So you’re stuck with a little… Continue reading