Today was my weigh-in and I figured I’d keep you all “in the loop” and let you know that I’ve successfully lost 15 pounds now since the middle of April. And I’m not really exercising much yet (because I’m LAZY) and I’m still doing the diet thing with about 80% compliance or a little less,… Continue reading
Song stuck in my head and phone update
So, Justin has a plan for getting service in the house that he’s worked out, but then wasn’t able to complete because the cell phone company wouldn’t talk to him since the account is in my name. *Sigh* We’ve fixed that today, but he’s not feeling great, so it’ll wait another day or two before… Continue reading
I know I’ve been terribly remiss about updating lately but I’ve been distracted. I heard an acronym the other day that fits it perfectly. ADOS: Attention Deficit OH SHINY! Justin and I determined that we don’t really watch TV. So what was the point in paying for it to be delivered to our house? Justin… Continue reading
I keep meaning to talk about my Memorial Day weekend, but there are pictures and they’re still on my camera and I haven’t had my camera in proximity of my computer all week. So. Maybe I’ll get there tomorrow. Right now, though, the thing stuck on my brain is the absolute stupidity of drivers on the… Continue reading
Picture this….
A young, professional woman takes her lunch break outside, sitting on a short retaining wall made of reused, bleached-out railroad ties. She’s careful to maintain her modesty while sitting in a skirt. She reads a magazine for a couple minutes before calling her husband. Partially through her conversation with her husband, she feels a sharp, uncomfortable… Continue reading