Last night I went for a walk with the spiffy headlamp that Mom and Dad gave me for Christmas last year. I left for my walk later in the evening than I really intend, so it was definitely going to be dark by the time I got about halfway through. And I was wearing black… Continue reading
Over the weekend:
Over the weekend: We helped move my sister-in-law’s belongings out from the apartment where she had been storing them for the summer since the girl who will actually be living there needed to be able to move in. We moved it all to another apartment, where the girl who will actually be living there won’t… Continue reading
Life has been very busy lately, but I thought it might be good to at least start giving a quick 5 bullet-point list of what’s going on so you know that we’re not dead. 🙂 We sold the PT Cruiser! This actually happened JUST NOW and I’m sitting here holding a check that’s going to… Continue reading
Cushion covers are done!
I have been working on a sewing project since April. My friend Becky decided that she’s going to expand her view and travel the country in a 15-foot Casida camper trailer. So she went out and bought a truck and bought a trailer and she and Julie (her roommate since college) have been living in… Continue reading
Losing track of time
Hey! Yeah, so I’m totally still thinking I’m going to finish writing about the trip to California and I have half a post written about that and got distracted doing other things. Those kinds of posts take a long time to write. And then I lose track of time easily. Today, for example. I got… Continue reading