This is a test to see how this new program works with photos. If this works, you should see a picture of a tree. With a face. This was outside the bedroom window of the cabin we stayed in on our honeymoon. Oh! It works! The resizing thing even worked out really well. This is… Continue reading
Working on updates
Okay, so one of the frustrations that I’ve had with my site is that I don’t have a program that I can use to post directly to it. Every time I want to post to Inking, I have to log in to the site, create an entry, publish it, and do all this stuff while… Continue reading
Rehearsal Dinner
We’ve finally worked out where we’re going to be holding the rehearsal dinner. It’s going to be at Carey Hilliard’s. It’s a great seafood/barbecue place with a very diverse menu and a fun atmosphere. Again, all of our guests are more than welcome to come to dinner with us–with so many people coming in from… Continue reading
Schedule of events is updated
I’ve filled in more information on the Schedule of Events page. Please check it out! Also, we’d really like to start figuring out exactly how much food to order, so please RSVP whether or not you’re planning to come. 🙂 I’d really appreciate it a whole lot. (Even if the answer is “no,” I’d still… Continue reading
Hotel information is now up
If you’ll direct your attention to the menu of pages on the left-hand side of this screen, you will now find a page entitled “Hotels” listed under Savannah Information. Click here and you will be able to find a surfeit of information which will, I hope, be of great use to you. Thanks!