Happy November! Late last night, after we’d run out of candy to give away and retreated upstairs for the last part of our evening, I signed up for NaBloPoMo. It’s a lot like NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) during which you try to write a 50,000 word novel. Except NaBloPoMo is National Blog Posting Month… Continue reading
Category: Uncategorized
Happy Halloween!
Pumpkins are really hard to photograph at night. 🙂
Spider update
Over lunch, I asked Justin what he did with the spider. Because, generally, he’s on the side of letting the things go free outside. Because he’s much nicer than me. I made the comparison of spiders and robbers. Once they’ve made the decision to cross the line into my house, I feel very little compunction… Continue reading
Wife Night and My Hero
You know, let’s make those Friday Photos. That would be perfect! A few weeks ago, Justin declared that Wednesday night was “Wife Night.” It took me a few weeks to realize that he was actually serious and that it wasn’t just a one-time event. Wednesday nights, he tells his friends that he is unavailable to… Continue reading
Tuesday Training and Receipt Filing
Oy! So yesterday did not go nearly as planned. It wasn’t bad—in fact it was a lovely day for the most part. It just didn’t leave me any time to write or take pictures. I’ve really got to get into the habit of writing these things a few days ahead or something. Anyway! I’ll put… Continue reading