Yesterday evening, Justin and I kicked some major packing butt. We made a guest bedroom. That’s impressive when you consider that we started with a mostly functional office. When we started last night, we had several boxes in the living room and a mess on the dining room table. The office had two desks (with… Continue reading
Category: Uncategorized
I spent most of yesterday evening curled up in bed. I was doing fine. I’d had a really stressful day, but things had all gone better than I had hoped and I was happy about it. Justin and I stopped at the grocery store for a few items and I was energetic and playful. And… Continue reading
One month and counting
Today is the 10th. One month from today, we will no longer be living in Georgia but will be living about an hour north from here in South Carolina. When I was in middle school, a set of twins transferred into the school. John and Susan were instant celebrities in Smalltown, Midwest. Fresh blood. There… Continue reading
Comments follow-up
Okay, so the comments are not working as well as I had hoped that they were. If you create a comment anonymously, I don’t get it. I don’t even see it when I’m logged in the administrative side. I’m not sure why or where they’re going, but they’re not back here and they’re up front,… Continue reading
Yet another post about cars and careers and . . . wait a second . . . kids?
I drove myself in to work this morning, which was a strange alteration from the norm. Justin didn’t have to work today, due to a summer-slump in the business (normal and not worth worrying about—as soon as the client signs the contract, he’ll have plenty of work again), so he stayed home and I took… Continue reading