I’m sitting at home for once and writing. I haven’t written a post from my home computer in I can’t remember how long. I hope to get back to writing from home more frequently, but it’s just been easier to write while in between projects at work. Especially while home is so chaotic. I didn’t… Continue reading
Category: Uncategorized
I’m ready to go home now
There are days, like today, when I sit at my desk at work and wonder why the heck anyone cares what I do. Or more accurately, whether anyone actually notices if I manage to do absolutely nothing with my day. Does what I do matter that little? And the answer on those days is usually,… Continue reading
Dropping stuff randomly on the page here
I’m having a cluttered brain moment day here and I’m trying to find a little focus by plopping this all down onto paper, or the electronic equivalent thereof. Worst things first. Justin pointed me toward this article. Just when you think you’re heard the worst of the crazy, it turns out that it’s right in… Continue reading
Whatever drugs we’re on, they’re not strong enough
Last night, Justin asked if the Calvin and Hobbes comic post was about apprehension about having children. Because really, he said, saying that he could be Calvin’s dad? Not the way to deter him from wanting kids. If you’re familiar with Calvin and Hobbes at all, that says a lot about the character of my… Continue reading
This is what I think raising boys would be like:
All day. Every day. (Image and characters copyright of Bill Watterson)