Just as a head’s up, I’m not updating because we’re expecting our web hosting company to transfer us over to a new server anytime between last Thursday and tomorrow. Apparently it’s going to be tomorrow . . . Justin’s already run the backup and it took forever, so in order to reduce his amount of… Continue reading
Category: Metablog
Not that it’ll matter if you don’t read this ahead of time, but this website might be down for a little while sometime in the next couple of days. Justin is going to update our server and some other things and try to stop the spamming that he’s been getting. So if you stop by… Continue reading
Changes around here . . . .
Well, I’ve increased the font size just a little bit. Does that help at all? And I fixed the font for the captions under the photos, but I think it needs something more. I really preferred the image style from the last template where it looked like a polaroid, but I can’t figure out how… Continue reading
Pardon my mess
Please pardon the mess while I play around with the template and themes for a while! I’m bored and learning how to work in CSS. 🙂 Such a geek! I know! Isn’t it great?! Header 1 Header 2 Header 3 Header 4 Header 5 Header 6 Hyperlink List List List List List List another list… Continue reading
Playing with my new toy
I’ve been having entirely too much fun playing with my new website. If you haven’t noticed yet, I’ve moved from Movable Type to WordPress. Justin, being the wonderful, attentive husband that he is, gave me the option to try out both systems and let me compare them. I did a little research, too, and my… Continue reading