Yesterday morning, I was sitting around, checking my email and reading my RSS feeds, when someone started pounding on the door. Not knocking like friendly “Hello, I’m a door-to-door salesman and I don’t think your doorbell works so I’m knocking.” Oh, no. This was full-on pounding the door with the side of a fist “I’m… Continue reading
Author: Kylene
I don’t like this catch
So I went into the gym on Monday (June 28) before we went out of town and had a chat with the guy at the front desk. I said that I had to put my account on hold, since my husband quit his job the Wednesday before and I was going on furlough that coming… Continue reading
Mad-dash rehash
This is so many days late, but I’ve been having such a rough time getting back into the swing of things after getting back from our trip. And because I know people are/were interested in how it went, but it would take WAY too long to write about it in detail, this is the mad-dash… Continue reading
Free! Lancing!
Okay, so one of the work things going on that I couldn’t talk about yesterday is this: Justin is going freelance! After dealing with inter-personal issues at his workplace for many, many months, he’s taken the plunge and is going to work for himself! He went in this morning and told them that he was… Continue reading
Happenings lately
Okay, time for a broad update on what’s been going on in Kylene-land. I’m back on the diet again after taking about a month off to handle with stress and not logging while we had company in town. But I’ve been logging again for 15 days now and my scale at home (that’s not terribly… Continue reading