This is what I’d like to do today:
- Get off work promptly at 11:30 and not a minute longer. Done!
- Finish my late project as much as possible before I leave. Done! Yea! Now to wait for edits back.
- Find out if S. would like to meet for lunch. Nope. She’s not free today.
- Pick up sis-in-law from school. Done!
- Go home so she can do laundry. She’s working on it.
- Go to the church offices and clean them. Done!
- Finish painting the frame around the white-board while I’m at it. Nope. Only so many hours in a day.
- Go home and shower. I’m clean!
- OR Go home and plant flowers. Oh, heck no.
- Head back into town to hit Target (with sis-in-law if she’s interested) Of course she is! It’s TARGET.
- Pick up calcium supplements, shoes for the donations at church, a tiny bit of Easter candy
- Take sis-in-law back to school after she’s finished her laundry or at 6:30, whichever comes first.
- Collapse for the evening because even if it’s not that long of a list, there’s a lot of work involved.
Of course, right now my stomach feels like it’s been given a swift kick and I don’t feel very well at all. I don’t know what’s causing it but I really hope it ends soon.
Time to go sip some water and get some more work done.