October hit on Saturday and it was like the weather looked around, blinked, and then went ‘Oh! Riiiiiiight. OCTOBER. Sorta, kinda fall-like, right? Riiiiiiiiight.” And overnight lows started dipping into the 50s and 60s and the daytime highs dropped from 90 somethings to the low 80s. The skies cleared up, the afternoon showers disappeared, and the sky turned such a brilliant color of blue that I can’t help but look at it every time I go outside. Especially since the sun hasn’t been burning my retinas now every time I step outside.
Of course, this means that when I was outside on Saturday, the temperature was so wonderful I didn’t even think to put on sunscreen and got a toasting across my face. And it also means that I’m driving to work in the dark, wearing a sweater or jacket in from the car, and then carrying that sweater out to the car over my arm when I leave work in the warmth of the afternoon.
It’s wonderful! Granted, I miss the north. I miss the colors of the leaves and the fact that you’ve all been wearing sweaters and enjoying this kind of cool weather for about a month by now. I finally went and got soup at the store yesterday because it’s finally getting cool enough that I can really enjoy hot soup. And people made fun of my arm warmers because they’re jealous. Obviously. I mean, my arm warmers are pink! And fluffy! And, most importantly, keep my arms warm!
I’ve been opening the window on my side of the bedroom when I go to bed to let in the cool air at night. It gets warm again during the day, but at night, that cool breeze is delightful. Unfortunately, my allergies have been acting up since the weather changed, but hopefully it’ll pass soon. Or, you know, I’ll refill my very expensive allergy pills. But I’d rather not.
The change of the weather also means that we’re heading into a very busy couple months. October started out with Family Day at my workplace. It’s great for families with children who can go play on the moon walk rides and be entertained by the midway games and have the patience to stand in line for a burlap bag and slide down a big slide. Justin and I stood in line for the Ferris wheel for more than an hour (toasting my face), got some cotton candy, and then went to eat at a local Mexican restaurant.
This coming Saturday we’re helping at the Habitat for Humanity building project doing yardwork. The Saturday after that is book club, and since it’s the 1-year anniversary of the club, we’ll probably be hosting a movie party at our house. The week of the 16th is the local Seafood and Arts festival. And the Friday after that, the last Friday of the month, we’re having a game night party at our house with a bunch of our local geeky friends.
And that’s just October! November and December are going to be even more busy, I’m sure. But I don’t mind that much, so far. I’m looking forward to spending time with my friends and enjoying this fantastically cool weather. I hope you’re all doing the same!
It sounds lovely.
the weather here has actually been pretty crazy. I’d say we’ve only had 2 or 3 sweater days. It’s almost 90 degrees right now!