Potential landfall for Irene is shifting further and further north and east of us here. If she keeps on turning, we might not even get much rain. That actually would be a shame because we could use the water.
On the other hand, Justin is helping the church move the equipment from the high school to a storage shed near the movie theatre on Friday and that would be miserable to do in the rain. The school, where we have been meeting in the auditorium, was struck by lightning the week before last, I think it was, and it knocked out their fire alarm system. The school worked out an evacuation plan so the kids are safe during classroom hours, but extracurricular activies and other people who rent the building are out of luck. So we’ve moved to the movie theatre down the street. All our kids ministry and music equipment is stored at the school, though, so the church has to move it out and down the street, but during hours when the school will let us in do to that. So, Friday afternoon, hopefully, is when that’ll happen.
And the on Sunday, after church because Justin is on rotation to run the computer and projector and I’m on schedule for singing, we’re helping a couple of our friends move from Beaufort to Bluffton. It kind of works out well that we can’t help in the morning because they have a cat that sheds like a maniac. With any luck, they’ll be at the place in Bluffton by the time we get out to help and the cat will be safely tucked away somewhere and we’ll be able to help without dying from allergies. But, again, it would be miserable to do that in the rain.
In other news, I hurt my knee a little bit running. I landed on it wrong and hyperextended it just a little bit, probably. It’s been hurting on the calf-side behind my knee. But ice and Advil and rest and a really annoying knee brace and it’s doing much better already. We took a rest day yesterday instead of our regular running schedule and it was GOOD.
Honestly, the rest day was only partially because of my knee and also because we’ve both been having a heck of a week and we both just needed time to do absolutely nothing. It’s been really crazy and we’re both feeling the strain. So we ate leftovers for dinner, I folded the laundry that Justin washed during the day, and then I sat downstairs watching TV while he played computer games with friends online. I finished off the bottle of wine, which really only meant I had a glass and a half, but it made me giggle. And then we had ice cream cake that we found at the grocery store on Tuesday. It was perfectly relaxing and wonderful and NEEDED.
Today we’re back at it, plugging away. It’s going to get better eventually. We just have to slog through a couple more week of this, hopefully, and then we’ll be out.
Glad to hear you are taking care of yourselves. Hope your knee heals up soon.
Every once in a while it’s so nice to do absolutely nothing!