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- He put up with me snoozing my alarm several times in the morning.
- He made the bed.
- He brought the recycle bin back around the house.
- He let me know early in the day that he would need a ride home from work
- He took a few minutes to chat with me over lunch
- He sent me an encouraging email after I emailed him about a frustrating meeting.
- He understood and dealt calmly with my frustrations on the way home.
- He laughed with me and goofed around when I was so hyper after coming home from the gym
- He fixed in less than a minute a problem with my email that’s been bothering me for weeks.
- He prepared our dinner
- He sang along with music that we both enjoy
- He brought me a slice of cake from downstairs when we were watching TV upstairs.
- He snuggled with me watching TV
- He likes several of the same shows as I enjoy
- He rubbed the ache in my shoulders
- He tucked me into bed when I went to bed before he did.
- He soothed me back to sleep when he woke me up and I started spouting nonsense.