- I had a good review with my boss/manager about my work for the company thus far. Everybody else is doing yearly reviews; mine was a 45 day review. So not as productive, maybe, as other reviews, but good to know goals and discuss plans for the future and know how he thinks I’m doing.
- We had a very good meeting that finished off all the audit questions and finalized, hopefully, that whole form. I’ve been slaving over this project for months, putting in a lot of sweat and tears, and I’m so glad that we’ve finally filled in all the slots with questions that we all agree on. I think it’s going to be a very good tool for the company and I’m excited to see how it works out in actual use. Now on to the next part of that project . . . .
- Google Reader seems to be doing what I’d like it to do, which is to make it easier to tell when sites I read have updated, in a format that’s easy to navigate and functional. I had been using an RSS ticker add-on for Firefox but it slowed things down too much and was distracting. This seems to be working well.
- I’m writing again! And while it doesn’t always come easily, it’s going very well tonight! Fun!!
- Waffles for dinner with whipped cream and strawberries. *Drool*
- My Zen Stone Plus arrived in the mail today! It’s absolutely the perfect color pink, even smaller than I was expecting, and awesome in so many ways! Now I have something I can listen to when I go running. Something that’s designed precisely for running. Something cute and geeky and awesome!
- The owner of the company who sent out guys last week to fix the water heater came out to look at it himself this time. So instead of having two guys out in the backyard smoking and not actually fixing anything, we had a guy who actually knew what he was doing and who probably actually fixed it this time. Especially because when he took of the bottom hatch to look at the lower thermostat, it started smoking. So he fixed both the upper and the lower thermostats. The last guys told us that they replaced the upper thermostat but didn’t actually do it, probably because they thought that fixing the two wires that were singed would fix the problem just as well as telling us to stop turning up the water so hot. Yes, I turned the water that hot because I wanted to burn the skin off my hands, thank you. Yes, I’m bitter, dang it! And YES, I’m so glad that the owner came out this time. Also, that we’re renting and don’t actually have to foot the bill for any of this.
- I had fun at work today! I didn’t get nearly what I needed to accomplish, but I got some good, creative things done that I’m going to follow up on next week and I’m quite pleased with what I’ve got going.
- I have new pictures in all the frames at my desk at work! Lots of flowers to get me out of January/February slump and ready for spring. Plus pictures of all THREE of my nieces and nephew.
- Looking at socks on Sock Dreams and thinking about what I would get if I could spend $20 or $30 on socks.
- Running! Not very far or anything like that, but I went! And it felt lovely, underneath the whole “Oh, this is hard work!” feeling.
- Beautiful, warm sunlight on the bed while I’m waking up, much later in the morning than necessary but loving every lazy moment of it.
- Date night! Out to Paulie’s for coal grilled pizza and cheesy garlic bread, and then just around the corner to the movie theater to see “Coraline” which was really unexpectedly creepy at spots, but also a whole lot of fun.
- Homemade banana-strawberry ice cream shakes with whipped cream and a strawberry slice on top. Delicious!
- Hot water! Without hitting the reset button on the hot water heater! And hot in a friendly, warm way and not hot in an angry “I’m going to burn your face off” kind of way.
- Finally getting my gallery to start doing what I want it to do. It took me all afternoon, hours and hours of trying and doing and all sorts of mess. But it’s finally starting to come together.
- Freshly washed sheets.
- After weeks of avoiding it, I finally did the ironing. It feels so good having that done for at least a couple days.
- Fun wandering around in Target looking for different things and discovering other things that are fun. Families shopping together, old friends greeting each other. Smelling the soaps and candles, laughing at items in the intimates section of the pharmacy. (“Now with more vibrations”? Seriously?! In Target?!)
- Readig in bed for a while before sleeping.
- Having good energy throughout the day that helped me get through the whole mess of a lot of things that I had to accomplish. Of course, I didn’t finish nearly all of it and I have a lot more to do tomorrow, but it was good to start the week on a positive note.
- Hot water! Okay, yeah, I know I just said this, but it’s still hot! And, okay, so it wasn’t quite hot enough so Justin went out and turned it up just a little bit and ended up shocking himself pretty bad, but it stayed hot without us hitting a button! I’m pretty sure it’s actually fixed this time.
- Husband who tidied the house because he had a few minutes before I got home. So he made the bed and put up the dirty dishes and put away the new package of toilet paper and the multitude of items on his sink.
- Running somewhere other than around the pool 21 times. We went running up the road and around a soccer field and through a little bit of woods. It was really hard to run on actual terrain instead of hard-packed trail, and my body let me know plain and clear that I’m not in good shape. But it was so refreshing to run somewhere new.
- Listening to the president address the nation about the financial package and other things happening in the world. He’s a good communicator and I had fun going back and forth with Justin about what I heard him say and what was actually said. He might be good at communicating but I’m not always so good with politicking.