Come back tonight for pictures. 🙂
Last night I wrestled with PhotoShop for hours trying to bend it to my will. I finally have an idea about what I want my website to look like. And I scribbled it all down on paper and then tried to make it look on PhotoShop the same way it looks in my head.
It didn’t work.
But I was able to get it a little bit and I was able to show it and my scribbles to Justin and he, because of his extended exposure to my crazy, was able to understand what I was trying to say, as well as recommend ways that it could be even more cool. It has a looooooooong way to go, but I think we finally have a start.
This morning on the way into work, I passed a gas station that’s selling gas for $1.99/gallon. I honestly squeaked! And then I tried to call Justin to tell him but he didn’t answer his phone. He did call me back like two hours later and was just as surprised as I was. It’s so wonderful! I can fill my car for less than $25!! Yea!!
And my brother and sister-in-law posted a video on their website this morning that I think is exciting news but I can’t see the dang video from work because of the filters! I’m very anxious to get back home to look at that. Normally, I’d be home on a Friday just slightly after noon. But today I’m working until 12 to make up for a half hour lost on Tuesday, and then I have to go into Savannah to get my oil changed at the car dealership, and while I’m there I need to talk with the finance guy about (1) the maintenance package we signed up for and why we haven’t received vouchers or anything for that and (2) did he still want me to help him organize his house.
I probably won’t be getting home until close to 4:00.
And then I’m scrubbing the floors in the kitchen because we found maggots this morning. Not the best surprise to start your day, really. Apparently they were fond of the pumpkin bits that we’d dumped in there. It took a while to figure out that it was the trash because it didn’t smell bad. Shouldn’t it stink of it’s got maggots?! Apparently not. And now that Justin took out the trash and made sure that all the ones that were on the floor were dead and removed from the house, I’m going to go back and scrub to make sure that they’re absolutely and totally obliterated from the house.
*Shiver* Ugh. Gross.
Moving on! Yesterday I got my very last Kelly Services paycheck! So long, Kelly Services!! I’m going where I can actually get some respect for the work that I do!
Hrm. Work that I should probably actually be doing right now . . . .
Come back later for pictures! Of . . . something. I should figure that one out before I get home. But I’ve got plenty of time!!