I’ve filled in more information on the Schedule of Events page. Please check it out! Also, we’d really like to start figuring out exactly how much food to order, so please RSVP whether or not you’re planning to come. 🙂 I’d really appreciate it a whole lot. (Even if the answer is “no,” I’d still… Continue reading
Month: February 2008
Hotel information is now up
If you’ll direct your attention to the menu of pages on the left-hand side of this screen, you will now find a page entitled “Hotels” listed under Savannah Information. Click here and you will be able to find a surfeit of information which will, I hope, be of great use to you. Thanks!
Check it out! I’m updating!
So, the original intention of this page was to provide lots of information for people about the wedding. Okay, well the original original idea was to have a place for me to write, but I wanted to convert it for a time to house information about the wedding. And obviously, I’ve not been doing a… Continue reading